

177 Entries

Wait Field

From 1909 through 1920, UT played football on Wait Field, the site of the present Walters Life Sciences Building. Prior to 1909 Tennessee football was based at Knoxville’s Baldwin Park, located between Dale Avenue and Grand Avenue, near Western Avenue. The new field was first called University Field and was then named for Professor Charles … Continued

Wait, Charles Edmund

Charles Edmund Wait, a classmate of President Charles Dabney’s at Virginia, held the BS, CE and ME diplomas from the University of Virginia, all of which he earned in four years of study. He then did two years of graduate work at UVA after which he taught for a year at St. John’s College in … Continued

Wait’s Office/Lab Sealed

In 1940 three faculty members in the Chemistry Department discovered and reopened the office/lab of Dr. Charles Wait, which had been permanently sealed upon his death in 1923. Wait was a quiet person who chose for his office/lab one of the most inaccessible rooms in Science Hall, reachable only by walking through two long laboratories. … Continued

Wait’s Portrait Stolen

The portrait of Charles Waite, owned by the Chemistry Department, was stolen from Science Hall in 1967 and not recovered.

Wakeboarding National Championship

UT’s wakeboarding team placed first (570 points) in the 2011 Collegiate Wakeboard National Championships, part of CBS Networks Alt Games, in San Diego in May. The team defeated the 2010 defending national champion, Chico State, by 30 points. The University of Florida came in third, with 360 points. Dan Walden won first place honors for … Continued

Walk for Development

More than five hundred Knoxvillians, UT students, and UT faculty and staff participated in the Walk for Development on May 8, 1971. Walking simultaneously with four million marchers in 350 cities around the world, the Knoxville marchers walked 21 miles to earn $15,400 to fight poverty in Knoxville and in the drought-ridden African country of … Continued

Walk in My Shoes

The Student Government Association began hosting the annual Walk in My Shoes event in 2004. The activity pairs students and administrators, providing an opportunity for campus administrators to see firsthand what a student’s day is like and to share insights with the student about various campus initiatives or issues.

Walk in the Spring Rain, A

The movie A Walk in the Spring Rain was partially filmed on campus in spring 1969, with UT depicted as a New York college. The film, based on a novel by Rachel Maddux of Tennessee Ridge (Houston County), starred Ingrid Bergman, Fritz Weaver, and Anthony Quinn. Area residents were chosen for seven bit speaking parts … Continued

Walker, Jackie Eugene

Jackie Walker led Knoxville’s Fulton High 1967 team to an undefeated season and won all available awards. He entered UT in the fall of 1968 and was eligible to play on the varsity team his sophomore year (1969)—an opportunity of which he took full advantage. The first African American SEC Player to be named All-American … Continued

Walking Horse

Beginning in 1965, a Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse pranced along the sidelines during pregame activities at home football games. In 1980 the artificial surface of the field was replaced with a new product, Super Turf, and at the September 6, 1980, Georgia game, the horse slid on the new turf and almost fell. Special … Continued