

92 Entries


Bins for collection of unwanted, obsolete, or nonworking electronic devices were installed in February 2012 in five locations. The bins were created from old, unwanted filing cabinets that otherwise would have been sold as scrap metal. The sheet metal shop of Facilities Services cut appropriate holes to allow a variety of different devices to be … Continued


Although substantial numbers of faculty and administrators had used e-mail on UT computers beginning in 1975, all students were offered e-mail accounts in 1989 through Computer Access for Education (CAFÉ) accounts. During 1998 summer orientation, students were introduced to the new graphic-based e-mail package Webmail, which allowed UT UNIX account holders to access their e-mail … Continued


See Educational Advancement Program; Employee Assistance Program.

Early Learning Center for Research and Practice

The Early Learning Center for Research and Practice began in 1927 as a nursery school program operating in the Home Economics Building as an outgrowth of child care courses begun in 1922. In 1937 a new nursery school building opened at 1206 White Avenue, which is in use within the program today. The nursery school … Continued

Earth and Planetary Sciences Building

This 42,860-square-foot building, designed by Barber and McMurry, was completed in 1928 as the Physics and Geology Building. It cost $215,000. A unique feature of the building was a two-foot-square shaft, which ran from the top of the building to the basement in order to provide sunlight and ventilation for the laboratories. It was the … Continued

Earth and Planetary Sciences Department

The Earth and Planetary Sciences Department is the evolution of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, which was established in 1907. Geography was added to the department in the 1920s. The department awarded its first graduate degree (the MS) to Berlin C. Moneymaker in 1929. The Department of Geology and Geography was separated into its … Continued

Earth Day

Earth Day is annually celebrated on April 22. Earth Day began in 1970. Its founder, Gaylord Nelson, then a US Senator from Wisconsin, reacted to the aftermath of a 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, by proposing the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment.” He persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican congressman, … Continued

Earth Science Fair

The Department of Earth and Planetary Science first held the annual Earth Science Fair, an activity part of the nationally proclaimed Earth Science Week, in 2000. The fair brings students, teachers, parents, and volunteers to campus for a one-day event of activities centered on earth science.

East College

East College was a three-story structure, built in 1842 as a dormitory, along with West College and two houses intended to be residences for professors, but shortly used for institutional purposes instead (East Dwelling House and West Dwelling House), at a combined cost of $20,965.18. The contractor was Thomas Crutchfield, who had also built Old … Continued

East Dwelling House

This structure was completed in 1842 as a professor’s house, the Allison House. In 1871 the trustees leased the East Dwelling House to A. K. Foster (and the West Dwelling House to M. W. Janney) with the understanding that students would be provided with “wholesome fare” at a cost of $2 per week. Foster and … Continued