

214 Entries

T Across the River

In fall 1923 those attending the UT vs. Tulane football game got the first look at a large white “T” in clear view from the Hill and the bleachers on Shields-Watkins Field placed flat on the bank across the river. The placement of a mammoth “T” on the bank across the river—150 feet across and … Continued

T Club

See Lettermen’s “T” Club.

T, the

First Transit, which operates more than 20 campus bus systems and which has over 50 years’ experience, became the campus transportation service provider on June 1, 2013, following a competitive proposal process, with dedicated buses and increased service, paid for by a $60 increase in the transportation fee. The university instituted its own transportation system … Continued


The Annual All-College Spring Thing is an event sponsored by the College of Architecture and Design and the School of Art. Established in 1971 by the American Institute of Architects Student Chapter, the event brings speakers to campus and involves outreach activities that educate the general public. In 1978, as part of TAAST, Cindy Snodgrass … Continued

Tade, Herbie

On Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1935, UT played the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Herbie Tade, a junior standout offensive center and defensive linebacker, playing from his defensive linebacker position, plugged a hole created by the Wildcat offensive line. He met Kentucky’s runner head-on and did not get up. His skull was fractured during the … Continued


The successful completion of Campaign for Tennessee, a billion dollar fund-raising effort, was marked on April 20, 2012, by a “Thank-a-Giver” celebration. Oversized orange and white gift tags—some as much as 10 feet tall—appeared throughout campus—including ones on 14 newly constructed or renovated buildings. From the kickoff of the campaign in 2005 through its wrap-up … Continued


The first instance of tailgating at a football game was probably the party before the 1869 game at College Field in New Brunswick, New Jersey, between Princeton and Rutgers.  While today’s elaborate tailgating ensembles may have their roots in Charles Goodnight’s 1866 conversion of a US Army Studebaker wagon into the first chuck wagon, the … Continued

Take 15, Graduate in 4

A new model that moved the tuition cap to 15 hours to link it to the number of hours a student would need to take each semester in order to graduate in four years was announced in fall 2012, effective in fall 2013 for all new full-time undergraduates and transfer students. It was coupled with … Continued

Take Back the Night

The annual Take Back the Night demonstration denouncing violence against women began in 1997. The traditional event draws hundreds of women and men for a march, rally, and candlelight vigil.

Take Back the Tap

Sociology student Erica Davis brought the national campaign Take Back the Tap to campus in spring 2014. The campaign’s goal is to eliminate the use of bottled water by positioning refill stations in convenient locations and by providing reusable bottles to students and other members of the university community. She initiated a petition to raise … Continued

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