

83 Entries

VAN Program

Begun in 1984, the VAN (Volunteer Alumni Network) program is a recruiting device in which alumni open their homes for parties to which the top 5 percent of high school juniors and seniors in the area are invited. VAN members are briefed on scholarships, honors programs, financial aid, and admissions policies, and host currently enrolled … Continued

Van Service

Van service, initially established to transport the disabled during the day and to provide a safe means of moving about the campus after dark, was established by the UT Police Department in 1980. Operation of the van service was transferred to Parking Services in summer 1992.

Van Vactor, David

David Van Vactor came to Knoxville in 1947 as head of UT’s new Fine Arts Department and conductor of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. Under his direction, the orchestra experienced a period of growth and technical polish and made its first professional recording for the CRI label. The Fine Arts Department, including both music and art, … Continued

Vanderford, Charles Frederick

Charles F. Vanderford joined the university’s agriculture faculty in 1889. Prior to joining UT, he had served (1860–65) in the Confederate army. As a member of the 45th Tennessee Infantry, he was severely wounded twice. He then joined the ordnance department, where he was elevated from captain to major in 1865. Later, he farmed in … Continued

VanGilder, John S.—Art Collection

John Somers VanGilder, class of 1912, a wealthy philanthropist who, for many years, lived at New York’s Plaza Hotel, gave UT a valuable collection of art objects and historical items in 1956. Possibly the most valuable single object was an oil portrait of Charles Kemble, painted by George H. Harlow (1787–1819). Kemble was an eminent … Continued

Varsity Inn

The Varsity Inn was the Gibbs Hall dining facility. While many students believed that the cafeteria was open only to student athletes, any student could eat there for lunch or dinner, and there was a Varsity Inn meal plan. The cafeteria was known for having more unique food choices than other cafeterias on campus. The … Continued

Varsity Visit

Varsity Visit was begun in 1950 as an event for high school members of the Future Farmers of America and the Future Homemakers of America to acquaint students with the university in general, and especially with the programs of the College of Agriculture and programs from the former College of Home Economics now within the … Continued

Vascular Biology Center of Excellence

One of the four Memphis Research Centers of Excellence designated in 2001 by President Wade Gilley, this center proposed to better define the risk factors, diagnosis, and evaluation for vascular disease through multidisciplinary collaborations of UT Memphis researchers and those at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the Veteran’s Medical Center in Memphis, and the University … Continued

VASF Collegiate Club

In 1998 the Volunteer Athletics Scholarship Fund (now Tennessee Fund) began its sponsorship of the official UT Pep Club, folding it into the Athletics Department framework by charging a membership fee and providing services and benefits—among them establishing points that counted toward season ticket priority following graduation. In 2004 the opportunities provided by membership were … Continued

Verplanck, William S.

Dr. Verplanck joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology in 1963 as head of the department and served in that capacity for 10 years. He continued his academic career in the department until his retirement in 1981. A specialist in the fields of perception, learning, and research methods, he brought the department national recognition … Continued