

270 Entries

Baccalaureate Education System Trust (BEST) Program (Prepaid Tuition)

The BEST program was launched in 1997 under Bartlett banker and State Representative Dan Byrd. There were two parts: a prepaid tuition program and a college savings program. The prepaid tuition program assumed that tuition would rise at an annual rate of about 6 percent a year and earnings on investments would rise about 7.5 … Continued

Bachelor of Philosophy

In 1881 a Latin Science course was added to the curriculum. The science course, which led to the bachelor of science degree, included no Latin or Greek courses, either as required or optional. The Latin Science course combined elements of the classical and the science curricula. The UT catalog for 1881 to 1882 indicates that … Continued

Bachelor’s Gowns

The academic gown, worn by persons who have earned the bachelor’s degree, is black and is distinguished from graduate degree gowns by its flowing sleeves being pointed over the hands. Bachelor’s gowns are worn closed. Frequently, a white collar is worn with the gown, and bachelor’s hoods may be worn. At UT only students receiving … Continued

Badenhop, Merton B.

Dr. Badenhop joined the faculty of the university’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology in 1946 and continued to serve on the faculty until his retirement in 1988. He gained recognition as a specialist in agricultural marketing and economic development and authored many journal articles, Agricultural Experiment Station bulletins, and miscellaneous monographs. He was … Continued

Baer, Thomas Holman

Tom Baer was a member of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. On the evening of August 20, 1988, Jeffrey Underwood—who had been drinking at a nearby bar and taking drugs—entered an impromptu party being given at the Phi Kappa Tau house. The fraternity’s house manager, Scott Brown, asked him to leave. When Underwood pulled a knife, … Continued

Bailey, John M.

John M. Bailey (MS, electrical engineering, 1952) was technical director of the Patriot Missile Project for Martin Marietta in Orlando from 1966 until he joined the UT faculty two years later. The Patriot, built to replace the Hawk missile systems in the role of protecting armies, was deployed in 1990 and 1991 to knock Iraqi … Continued

Baker Scholars

The Baker Scholars program was announced in November 2003. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors with an academic and career interest in public policy and public service were sought for the program, with an initial five candidates chosen to begin the program in spring semester 2004. Baker scholars assist in programs, activities, and research of the Howard … Continued

Baker, Howard Henry, Jr.

Following graduation from McCallie, Howard Baker Jr. joined the US Navy’s V-12 Officer Training Program. He did his undergraduate studies at the University of the South and at Tulane. A 1949 graduate of the university’s College of Law and president of the student body in 1948 to 1949, Baker turned to politics from his well-regarded … Continued

Baker, Howard Henry, Sr.

Howard Baker Sr. entered the university at age 16. He was an outstanding student, debate team captain, president of the Philomathesian Literary Society (1921), and 1922 senior class president. He gave the university’s humor magazine, the Mugwump, its name and served as its editor in chief in 1921 to 1922. He was a member of … Continued

Baker, Lenox Dial

Dr. Lenox Dial Baker entered UT in 1925 as a freshman to take premed courses. He had long been interested in athletics, having served at age nine as the spring practice batboy for the New York Giants in his native Texas. At Tennessee he became a student trainer and worked as head athletic trainer with … Continued

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