

305 Entries


AASLF stands for Afro-American Student Liberation Force.

Abbott, Charles Scott

Scott Abbott is one of the two originators of the board game Trivial Pursuit. In 1978 he earned the master’s degree in communications at UT. A hockey player, he then served as a sportswriter for the Canadian Press. In January 1980 Chris Haney and he, along with John Haney and Ed Werner, formed Horn Abbot … Continued

Abbott, Monica Cecilia

Monica Abbott pitched for the softball team from 2004 to 2008. She pitched a no-hitter in her college debut and followed it with a second no-hitter in her second appearance on the mound. She was the first softball pitcher in NCAA Division I history to record five hundred strikeouts in all four years of her … Continued


See Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology.

Acacia Fraternity (Inactive)

The Tennessee Chapter of Acacia Fraternity was originally chartered on May 13, 1964. A colony organization had been formed the preceding year. It was first recognized at UT in 1966, becoming a member of the Interfraternity Council. In January 1986 UT served Acacia with an eviction notice requiring the fraternity to vacate the house at … Continued

Academic Advising

In 1911 the faculty adopted a new system of academic counseling, with each member of the faculty accepting a given number of students to provide individual assistance in academic problems and scheduling. On October 9, 1978, mandatory advising was implemented and required students to meet with their advisors at least once during the academic year. … Continued

Academic Calendar

Originally, the university operated in two five-month sessions. The winter term opened in October and ran until the third Wednesday in March; the summer term began in April and closed on commencement day—the second Wednesday in September. When the first catalog was published in 1837–38, there were two sessions. Early in the twentieth century, the … Continued

Academic Common Market

The Academic Common Market was established in 1974 through the Southern Regional Education Board to provide students access to undergraduate and graduate programs not available in their home state by payment of in-state fees to attend an out-of-state institution that offered the desired program. Tennessee is one of the 16 SREB states.

Academic Council

The Academic Council was initiated in 1970 as a student forum to consider university policies and procedures related to academic matters and to represent the student body to the Faculty Senate.

Academic Decathlon

The East Tennessee regional competition of the Academic Decathlon program began operation on the UT campus in 1996. This national program involves teams of nine high school students who spend a day taking a battery of competitive tests that cover the high school curriculum broadly and comprehensively. In the state competition, the winning team advances … Continued