

84 Entries

O’Steen Historical University Photographs Collection

Neal O’Steen retired from the university in September 1985, after 28 years of service as an editor in the publications office. During his various projects, he amassed a substantial collection of historical university photographs and their negatives, which he donated to the Frank H. McClung Museum in February 1986. The museum transferred the collection to … Continued

O’Brien, Michael

Michael O’Brien graduated from UT in 1972 with a BA in philosophy. He began working as a staff photographer for the Miami News in 1973. In 1979 he moved to New York, where he worked as a freelance photographer for Life, National Geographic, Esquire, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, and others. O’Brien has won … Continued

O’Brien, Michael John “Mickey”

Mickey O’Brien, former UT head trainer, began his career in high school, serving as trainer to the football, baseball, and basketball squads at Central High School in Chattanooga. In the spring of 1925, he captured the attention of UT alumnus Strang Nicklin, who was managing the Chattanooga baseball club of the Southern League. He served … Continued

O’Steen, Neal

Neal O’Steen, the youngest of seven brothers and sisters, was born in 1919 and grew up in Bedford County, Tennessee. He attended a one-room schoolhouse through the eighth grade before going to Forrest High School in Church Hill, from which he graduated in 1937. He briefly sold Bibles door-to-door in eastern Ohio, worked as a … Continued

Oak Ridge

In 1943 Oak Ridge was created as the residential center for the Clinton Engineering Works. Located on the northeast corner of a 59,000-acre reservation acquired by the federal government in 1942, the community was designed by architects Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. In 1945 Oak Ridge reached a peak population of seventy-five thousand. On January 1, … Continued

Oak Ridge Apartments

From 1967 to 1990, UT owned and rented apartments in Oak Ridge purchased to provide housing for students enrolled in the Oak Ridge Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. In May 1967 UT purchased 9 of 13 buildings that bounded a large square of green space in Oak Ridge, providing 18 one-bedroom and 16 two-bedroom apartments. … Continued

Oak Ridge East Tennessee Technology Park

The Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant began operations during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project, with the mission to produce uranium enriched for use in atomic weapons. The plant produced enriched uranium for the nuclear power industry from 1945 to 1985 and was permanently closed in 1987. With a long-term goal of … Continued

Oak Ridge Engineering Practice School (UT/ORNL)

In January 1967 the Engineering Practice School, a joint project of Oak Ridge Associated Universities, UT’s College of Engineering, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Atomic Energy Commission, was started. (MIT had started such a program with ORNL somewhat earlier.) The school provided students with experiences in solving and reporting on real engineering problems, primarily … Continued

Oak Ridge Forest

The Oak Ridge Forest is the headquarters of the Forestry Experiment Station. It consists of 2,260 acres near Oak Ridge.