

93 Entries

U. T. Farmer

A student publication of the Agricultural Club, the U. T. Farmer, began publication in 1906. Its name was changed to the Tennessee Farmer in 1920. There were approximately two thousand subscribers when it ceased publication in 1967. 

Udall Foundation Scholars

The US Congress established the Udall Foundation as an independent executive branch agency in 1992 to honor Morris K. Udall’s 30 years of service in the US House of Representatives. In 2009 Congress enacted legislation to honor Stewart L. Udall and to add his name to the foundation. It is now known as the Morris … Continued

Ultimate Frisbee Club

The Ultimate Frisbee Club (nicknamed “Agent Orange” by members) was established in 1997. It followed the previous Frisbee Club, which became defunct in the late 1980s. Ultimate Frisbee is a noncontact sport played on a 70-by-30-foot field. Each team’s goal is to run the disc into the end zone by passing it to teammates. UT’s … Continued

Undergraduate Academic Council

The Undergraduate Academic Council is one of the four coequal legislative bodies of the Student Government Association. It represents the student body in matters relating to the academic concerns of undergraduate students. The council deals with specified academic grievances and general policies of the university. The Undergraduate Academic Council is composed of members from each … Continued

Underwood, Shirley [Baumgardner]

Shirley Baumgardner earned the baccalaureate degree in political science and economics from UT in 1943 and the bachelor of law degree in 1948. As an undergraduate, she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and served on the staff of Carnicus and the Volunteer. As a law student, she was a member of the … Continued

Unicycle Rider at Basketball Games

Head Coach Ray Mears, known as “the “P.T. Barnum of basketball” for his pregame and halftime shows, included, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, a member of the team riding a unicycle. The first cyclist was Roger Peltz, an excellent scrimmage player, but one who rode the bench during games. Bill Seale also performed … Continued

Uniforms, Football

The first football uniforms (1892) were put together by the individual players, with many variations, but generally consisted of a black pullover jersey with a sleeveless, buttoned overvest upon which were a “U” and a “T” to the right and left of the opening. In 1902 the overvest was discontinued. Pants were gray. In 1920 … Continued

United Campus Workers

The Living Wage Campaign at UT began in March 2000. UT student organization Alliance for Hope, the Knoxville Living Wage Campaign, and the AFL-CIO all joined in the effort, which at the time called for university employees to receive a minimum wage of $9.50 per hour with benefits and $11.50 per hour without benefits. In … Continued

United Campus Workers—2002 Differential Raise Pools for Staff and Faculty

Upon the recommendation of Interim President Eli Fly, the board of trustees approved a 3.5 percent raise pool for merit-based salary increases for UT faculty and a 1.5 percent raise pool for merit-based salary increases for UT staff, to be added to the 2.5 across-the-board raises appropriated by the State in July at its December … Continued

United Campus Workers—2008 Reclassification of Agriculture Employees

United Campus Workers launched a campaign in 2008 to reclassify employees of the Institute for Agriculture who were classified as exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act under an exemption for agricultural workers. More than one hundred Agricultural Experiment Station employees had been classified under the exemption and were working more than … Continued