

163 Entries


Established in 1986 by the Department of Comparative Medicine of the UT College of Veterinary Medicine, practicing veterinarians and community volunteers, Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee (H.A.B.I.T.), sponsors programs that foster pet visitation to nursing homes, assisted-living residences, retirement centers, mental health centers, residences for children with special needs, rehabilitation facilities, hospital settings, and other facilities. … Continued

Hadfield, Chris A.

A colonel in the Canadian Air Force, Chris Hadfield received the masters of science in aviation systems from the University of Tennessee Space Institute in 1992. He reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1992. In November 1995 he served as a mission specialist on STS-74—NASA’s second space shuttle mission to rendezvous and dock … Continued

Haley, Alex

On April 1, 1985, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alexander Murray Palmer Haley was appointed adjunct professor of journalism and American studies in the College of Communication and Information. Haley won both a Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for Roots. At the time of his appointment, he had been awarded 17 honorary doctorate degrees and … Continued

Hall-Moody Institute

In 1900 the Southern Baptists founded Hall-Moody Institute. In 1927 the university purchased the real estate and buildings of the institute for what is now the University of Tennessee at Martin.

Hall, David

David Hall earned the BS in journalism (1965) and the MA in economics from UT. Under his leadership as editor and senior vice president, the Denver Post received the Pulitzer Prize for Meritorious Public Service in 1986 for a seven-month series of stories, which revealed that most missing children are not kidnap victims. A native … Continued


In 1987 a companion program to the Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee (H.A.B.I.T.) program, the Humans and Animals Learning Together (HALT) was established as a joint venture of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the College of Social Work. The program is especially designed for adolescents with drug or behavior problems. It pairs young people with … Continued

Hamer, Philip May

Philip and Marguerite Hamer, both of whom held doctorates from the University of Pennsylvania, joined the History Department in 1920. Philip Hamer had previously been on the faculty of the University of Chattanooga. He was one of the founders of the East Tennessee Historical Society, helped to found the Southern Historical Society (and served as … Continued

Hamilton, Joseph

Named in the 1794 charter of Blount College as one its first trustees, Joseph Hamilton was a lawyer. Born in Virginia, he subsequently moved to Jefferson County and was elected several times to public office.

Hampden-Sydney Academy

In 1806 a boys’ school was incorporated under the name of Hampden-Sydney Academy to take advantage of the provisions of the Compact of 1806 that set aside land for the benefit of county academies. Its name was taken from the Hampden-Sydney Academy established in Virginia in 1775 by the Andover Presbytery. Although it was chartered … Continued

Hampden-Sydney Academy Consolidations

In 1820 East Tennessee College reopened its doors after having been closed since the death of President Carrick in 1809 as the result of a temporary consolidation with Hampden-Sydney Academy, which had begun operation in 1817. Rev. David Sherman headed both institutions, which were housed in the original Blount College Building. The college had 19 … Continued