

116 Entries

Dabney, Charles William, Jr.

The 11th president of the university (1887–1904), Charles Dabney was the first UT president to have earned the PhD degree (in chemistry). He was born in Hampden-Sydney, Virginia; was the son of Robert Lewis Dabney, DD, LLD; a theologian; for many years a professor at the Union Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church; and professor … Continued

Dabney/Buehler Hall

This 202,910-square-foot complex has three structures and is largely devoted to the Chemistry Department of the university. The first structure, designed by Barber and McMurry, was completed in 1929 at a cost of $180,000. On May 21, 1935, classes were cancelled from 11:00 a.m. until noon to allow all faculty and students to attend ceremonies … Continued

Daily Beacon

The Orange and White became the Daily Beacon on April 20, 1965, when the paper began publishing daily. At that time the paper also ceased reporting solely UT news and began regularly including coverage of national and international news, as well as local news of interest to UT. Professor Frank Thornburgh of the Journalism Department … Continued

Dairy Building

A two-story brick building completed in 1900 was fully equipped with milk and cream vats, separators, sterilizers, pasteurizers, bottling machines, churns, and butter workers. The building had a refrigerator and cheese room and was heated throughout by steam and lighted by electricity. This $15,000 building complemented the dairy barn that was built in 1899 to … Continued

Dairy Cattle Judging Team

The dairy cattle judging team, formed to compete with teams from all the major land-grant universities in the country, was established in 1921. The team was financed partly by the Dairy Department and partly by the Agriculture Club. The dairy judging team won three silver cups and eight medals at the National Dairy Show and … Continued

Dairy Research and Education Center

The Dairy Experiment Station at Lewisburg, Tennessee, was established in 1929 and operated by the Bureau of Dairy Industry, US Department of Agriculture, for conducting research in breeding, feeding, and management of dairy cattle. In 1948 the UT Agricultural Experiment Station became a cooperative agency under a memorandum of understanding with the USDA. The station … Continued


In 1889 Charles Moore, president of the university’s Athletic Association, chose the colors for the first field day (April 12) that was sponsored by the Athletic Association. He chose the colors of a flower that grew profusely about the campus—the American daisy—choosing the yellow orange of the center of the daisy and the white of … Continued

Dames Club

The Dames Club was an organization for the wives of students—graduate or undergraduate. The University of Chicago formed the Dames Club in 1900. The steady growth of such organizations throughout the nation resulted in the University of Chicago’s taking the lead in forming the National Association of University Dames, which was organized February 26, 1921. … Continued

Dance Company

A modern dance group was formed in 1937 as a women’s student group. The group gave its first recital in February 1939. In 1968 the group was reorganized from a club with primarily a recreational approach to that of a performing group. The group became the New Repertory Dance Company, with membership being required for … Continued

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