Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies

At a dinner party one evening in 1945, following Dr. William Pollard’s return to the UT faculty after a two-year leave at Columbia University working on the Manhattan Project, Pollard discussed with Physics Department colleague Dr. Katherine Way the benefit of linking the valuable scientific resources developed in Oak Ridge as part of the Manhattan Project with regional universities. A committee was formed, with Pollard as head, and the result was that on October 17, 1946, the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies (ORINS) received a Tennessee charter of incorporation with 14 southern schools as charter members.

The consortium, whose name changed to Oak Ridge Associated Universities in 1966, had an early and continuing emphasis on education; operated a cancer research hospital and accepted patients from 1951 to 1970 for experimental treatment of cancer with radioactive isotopes and other cutting-edge processes; established and continues a highly-regarded research program; founded and operated (1949–81) the American Museum of Atomic Energy (now the American Museum of Science and Energy); with ORNL, established a program to make available to university research personnel access to computing on ORACLE (Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine), the high-speed digital computer, in 1956; established the Center for Information on Internal Dosimetry in 1971; established the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) in 1992; established a Marmoset Research Center in 1961 and operated the Center until 1992 (the colony was transferred to UT hospital); among many other projects and activities.

In 1956 ORINS received from the Atomic Energy Commission the deed for 38 acres of land. The land houses Oak Ridge Associated Universities’ Central Administration Building, Energy Building, and Pollard Auditorium, as well as two commercial structures.

Citation Information

The following information is provided for citations.

  • Title Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
  • Author
  • Keywords Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
  • Website Name Volopedia
  • Publisher University of Tennessee Libraries
  • URL
  • Access Date March 13, 2025
  • Original Published Date
  • Date of Last Update October 10, 2018