Tennessee 4-H is the youth development program of the UT Agriculture Extension. Tennessee’s 4-H Clubs trace their roots to “Corn” clubs for boys, started in 1910, and “Tomato” (canning) clubs for girls, begun in 1911. The 1913 national 4-H Club Exposition, held in Knoxville, took advantage of the National Conservation Exposition.
The four Hs are Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. Historically, membership in 4-H evoked images of farming activities—livestock, cooking, canning, and county fairs. Over the years 4-H broadened its appeal to include all young people, whether they live on a farm, in a suburban neighborhood, or in a large urban complex. The club now involves career fairs as well as county fairs, service to and involvement in communities, international cultural exchange programs, environmental awareness, character building, and more.